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MySQL is one of the open-source RDBMS (Relational DataBase Management System) software which is included in the top 3 most popular and most widely used worldwide. Currently, the most recent version of MySQL is MySQL 8, with a minor version 8.0.18 as of this writing. I will share information about how to install MySQL 8 on Linux (CentOS 7 and Ubuntu). Alright, let’s get started :

Install MySQL 8 on CentOS 7

  • Download MySQL 8 package on CentOS 7


  • install MySQL 8 package with yum

yum localinstall mysql80-community-release-el7-1.noarch.rpm

Install MySQL 8 on Ubuntu

  • Download MySQL 8 repository

wget -c

  • Install the downloaded repository

sudo dpkg -i mysql-apt-config_0.8.11-1_all.deb

  • updates your repository

sudo apt-get update

  • Install MySQL 8

sudo apt-get install mysql-server


MySQL Preparation 8 after Installation

After installing MySQL 8, you can perform the initial configuration by running the command :

sudo mysql_secure_installation

After the command is executed, the system will ask you to create a password for the root user, before entering the password, you will be asked to determine the strength level of your password, consisting of 3 levels: LOW, MEDIUM, STRONG. For the explanation :

  • LOW : password must have at least 8 characters
  • MEDIUM : password must have at least 8 characters along with 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 number and 1 special character
  • HARD : password must have a minimum of 8 characters along with 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 number and 1 special character and will also be checked in the dictionary file (the dictionary file referred to here is a list of passwords that are vulnerable to use).

If you have created a password, system will then ask you to configure several options, including :

  • Remove anonymous users?
  • Disallow root login remotely?
  • Delete the test database and access to it?
  • Reload privilege table now?

The system will suggest you to configure everything by typing Y or you can set it up as needed.

Running MySQL 8 Service

To use mysql, you need to run the service, run the following command :

sudo systemctl start mysql

sudo systemctl enable mysql

then, try to enter the mysql console with this command :

sudo mysql -u root -p

You will be asked to enter your root password.


Well, that’s a bit of my writing on How to Install MySQL 8 on Linux (CentOS 7 and Ubuntu) starting from installation, initial configuration, to accessing it. Thanks for reading 😀

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