Hello, how to import database in MySQL Docker ?. Yes, that’s the question I encountered some time ago when I wanted to migrate a database from a MySQL Server (non-docker) that I have to a MySQL Server that I installed in Docker. Since I’m new to Docker, I was confused about the fastest way to migrate. Then after I found out and I tried, there are 3 ways to import databases to MySQL in docker. Immediately, here are the ways:
#First method
This first method is directly using the docker command, namely:
docker exec -ti containerName mysql -u root -p < database.sql
This method is the most common way to run query queries that are small in number or small in size.
Also read : How to Fix “Warning: Remote Host Identification Has Changed”
#Second method
This second way, by using mysql-client (if installed) on your server:
mysql -u root -p -h IP_docker -P port_docker < database.sql
You must include your docker ip and docker port, if I’m not mistaken by default the docker ip is
and for the MySQL port 3306
. so more or less in I like this:
mysql -u root -p -h -P 3306 < database.sql
#Third method
The third and last way is by entering into the docker container for MySQL then calling the * .sql file that you want to import on the condition that you have a Shared Folder with docker.
# Enter the MySQL container docker exec -ti containerName /bin/bash # After that cd to the shared directory, here I put it at home cd /home # login to MySQL mysql -u user -ppassword # select database use mydatabase; # run query / import with the command source source myquery.sql;
for this 3rd way, between the docker container and our local directory, must have a shared folder, for example for my docker mysql container, I add --volume ~/docker-data/mysql/data:/home
. So when I want to use the 3rd method, I will put the * .sql file in ~ / docker-data / mysql / data. This method is what I use when migrating a database from a (non-docker) database server to a docker database server.
Yep, that’s 3 method I can share about How to import databases in MySQL Docker ?. Approximately I apologize, I hope this article can be useful, Thank you ^^,
How to import database in MySQL in Docker?