Indonesia Website Awards
Indonesia Website Awards

For developers who usually work on web-based applications, they must be familiar with localhost, right? yes, localhost is the usual domain nameserver and is the default used when we run the webserver on our personal computers. But, did you know that we can customize the nameservers so that they are not only localhost ?. In Linux we can easily customize it. Therefore, here’s how to create your own local domain on Linux:

Step 1 – Open the /etc/hosts file with your favorite editor

vim /etc/hosts


Step 2 – Create a nameserver with a .local domain

Then we can add the .local nameserver to the /etc/hosts file under the line localhost, for example like this       localhost       lukems.local       customName.local

if you ask why should a .local domain? The answer is because the .local domain is a special domain name reserved by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) so that it cannot be installed as a top-level domain in DNS on the internet.

Then what if we want to create our own local domain without using .local? As far as I know, you can, as long as the local domain that you created is not on the top-level domain list. To check the list you can visit the List of Internet top-level Domains .


Step 3 – Use a domain that has been created on your webserver

After you create your own domain, you can immediately use it on the webserver you are using. For example, on the Nginx webserver, you just need to add your domain to the server_name section in the Nginx configuration file like this:

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name  lukems.local;
Step 4 – Access your custom domain via a browser

When finished, you can immediately access it through your respective browsers, for example like this:

create your own local domain

Create Your Own Local Domain

Yes, that’s how to create your own local domain on Linux that I can share. Hopefully this information can be useful for all of us. Thanks: lol:


SOURCE : Wikipedia


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Categories: Linux


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