Create and Delete Sudo User on Linux

Hello everyone, I would like to share about how to create and delete sudo user on Linux. Because in Linux we can implement multi-user, of course creating a user and granting sudo access is important in my opinion. Especially for SysAdmin where it must be able to manage which users can access the server and its privileges. For that, just use root access to make the process easier and here’s how:

Creating Linux User

First, we create the Linux user first:

useradd -m userName


Second, we give the user a password:

passwd userName


Provides Sudo Access to Linux Users

Next, we give the user sudo access we have created:

usermod -aG sudo userName

commands for debian / ubuntu / linux mint

usermod -aG wheel userName

commands for fedora / redhat / centos


Test Sudo Access on Users

after we give access, try to test it, by logging into the new user and running a command with sudo access then you will be asked for the password of the user you created :

su - userName

sudo yourCommand

Something like this from creating to testing a user with sudo access :

Create, Give Sudo Access and Test It

Also Read : How to Install Live Wallpaper on Ubuntu
Removing Sudo Access on User

If at any time you want to remove / revoke sudo access on a user, use the following command:

deluser userName sudo

commands for debian / ubuntu / linux mint

Especially for centos you have to delete the user that you have created by accessing the  /etc/sudoers file or the quick way by typing visudo .

Well, that’s how to create and delete sudo user on Linux which I can share. Hope this information is useful, Thank you ^^,




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