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How to install JMeter on Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa?

Before we start how to install JMeter, for those who don’t know JMeter or The Apache JMeter™ is an open source application to perform various kinds of testing based on Java and can be used in the GUI or CLI. This application is usually used by the QA team to test the web application that is being built. With this JMeter various kinds of tests can be done such as Performance Test, Stress Test, Load Test and so on. Okay, we just go straight to how to install it.

How to Install JMeter in Ubuntu 20.04
Step 1 – Make sure you have installed JAVA version 8 or higher on Ubuntu

Based on the document regarding the JMeter Requirement Installation , to be able to run JMeter, at least you have installed Java version 8 in Ubuntu. Please check with the command java --version or javac --version . If it already exists, more or less it will appear like this:

how to install JMeter on Ubuntu 20.04

Check the Java version on Ubuntu

If it doesn’t exist, please install Java first before proceeding to step 2.


Also Read: Create and Use Bash Alias on Linux

Step 2 – Download the latest version of JMeter

Download the manual here , or use wget :


*for the JMeter version can be adjusted individually*
Step 3 – Extract JMeter

Extract using tar:

tar -xf apache-jmeter-5.4.1.tgz

Step 4 – Run JMeter via CLI

When finished extracting, navigate to the extracted folder

cd apache-jmeter-5.4.1

then go to the bin directory

cd bin

and run JMeter with the following command, then the JMeter GUI will appear on the screen

./ or sh

more or less like this in Me:

install jmeter di ubuntu

Running JMeter

and here’s the GUI for JMeter on My Ubuntu:

Apache JMeter 5.4.1

Apache JMeter 5.4.1 (en translation)

Yes, those are some easy steps on how to install JMeter on Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa that I can share. Hopefully this information can be useful ^^,

Categories: Linux


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