
Replace Strings in All Files on Linux

hello everyone, this time I want to share a way to replace strings in all…


What is INFORMATION SCHEMA database? INFORMATION_SCHEMA is a database contained in MySQL / MariaDB where…

MySQL / MariaDB User Privileges Settings

Hello everyone, I want to share some tips regarding MySQL / MariaDB user privileges settings.…

Tips for Create MySQL / MariaDB User Database

In this post I will give a few tips to create a good mysql or…

Searching for Files Containing Certain Words in Linux

Hello everyone, I want to share tips in the form of ways to find files…

Check the Size of Data Files / Folders on Linux

Hello everyone, I want to share information on how to check the size of data…

Rules on Cronjob

Hi everyone, this time I want to share information about the rules on CronJob. For…

Replace Word in Vim editor

Hello everyone, For those of you who often do file editing with the Vim editor,…

Copy Paste in Editor Vim

Hello, in this post I want to share tips for Linux users who often use…

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