How to display a list of installed applications on Linux

For a system administrator like me or DevOps and also a Cloud Engineer, where almost every job deals with the CLI (command line interface). Often we install and uninstall an application. To the extent that we don’t even memorize what applications are already installed on our server. For that I want to share information about how to display a list of installed applications on linux. You can imagine, if you have to remember or record every application on the server, right? : lol: That’s why here’s a simple way to display it:


For RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux), Fedora, CentOS and such distros

We can use rpm (RedHat Package Manager) to display the list, just run the following command:

rpm -qa

you can combine it with the grep command to specify a search, for example:

rpm -qa | grep docker

later it will look like this:

besides using the rpm command we can also use the yum command, just run the following command:

yum list installed

For Debian distributions, Ubuntu and such

we can use dpkg to display the list, just run the following command :

dpkg -l or dpkg-query -l

besides that, for ubuntu we can also display it with the apt command, just run the following command:

apt list --installed


Well, that’s the information I can share about how to display a list of installed applications on linux. Hopefully this information can be useful, Thank you 😀


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