Indonesia Website Awards
Indonesia Website Awards is a personal blog that I use to write whatever I want to write, most of what I will write later are things about my job as a System Administrator. But it does not rule out the possibility that I will write things beyond what I have mentioned. I do not warrant or make any representations regarding the accuracy, probable results or reliability of the use of materials from or in connection with such materials or on any site linked to this site.

I provide a comment feature on every My Post. I hope we can have a good discussion about what’s in My Posts. I will not be responsible for comments written by website visitors. All comments are the responsibility of their respective owners.

All comments will go through a moderation process first. I reserve the right to accept or reject comments that come to this website. In principle, I will accept all comments that are not degrading to humanity, do not offend a particular religion / belief, and do not enter the realm of my privacy.


Lukman Hakim